General Studies Foundation Course - July 2022
Classroom Programme
Course Description
“Dreams meet reality only if the path is truthfully guided”
What does Manifest IAS understand by GUIDANCE?
In order to understand the term ‘guidance‘, one needs to understand the two extremes of it which seem to be in a full swing in the market today – Self Study and Spoon Feeding.
On one side is ‘Self Study– without the guidance of experts.’ In the name of self-study, aspirants are made to write tests (Prelims and Mains) relentlessly without getting any conceptual clarity about the subjects in the very first place.
UPSC demands a certain bent of mind which is diametrically different, if we may say so, from the approach learnt in graduation or university studies. Hence even after being a University Genius, it is difficult to crack this exam only by Self-Study. You need a mentor or a guide who teaches you not only the most inscrutable concepts in a way UPSC demands but also makes you capable of doing it on your own.
The other extreme is Spoon Feeding, wherein topics are taught in classes without enabling the students to understand the UPSC way. The UPSC way includes many things- the art of reading the syllabus, defining dimensions, finding the right sources, establishing the static and current linkages, building interdisciplinary thought processes and finally reproducing them in a scientific manner in the form of an answer within the confines of given time. Spoon feeding makes you into an eternal dependent on the institution without inculcating in you ‘the UPSC way’.
‘Guidance is the fine balance of the above two – even a small slip leads the preparation on the wrong side of the path’
Manifest IAS does not subscribe to both these ideas. We believe in GUIDANCE. Through a journey of a year, the Faculty at Manifest IAS will cover the entire syllabus of UPSC Prelims and Mains without leaving out even a word, but at the same time ensure that the aspirants themselves would become capable of continuing with their preparation even from home if need be. This beautiful journey is our Foundation Course called the IAG Programme- Instruction, Assessment and Guidance based Mains cum Prelims Programme which begins in July 2022.
“This programme encapsulates a Synergetic Preparation comprising Qualitative Classes (Instruction) integrated with Tests and Test Discussions (Assessment) strengthened by Personalized Guidance (Guidance). The faculty with domain expertise shall lead all the components of the programme- IAG” and now this programme is also backed by technology to counter the current crisis. We have come up with the best in UPSC online portals and we are going live with all three components of our course adjusted and enhanced towards the needs of e-learning pedagogies.
UPSC preparation requires a long-term vision through which you are pretty sure of what you are going to achieve over a year. For this, fastidious planning is needed wherein you have planned about what you will be doing in the next month, next week and even in the very next hour. If there is an absence of these nitty-gritty details in your plan, you will miss the woods for the trees. That is what the IAG Programme does not let you do. It is a course wherein the schedule of an entire year of classes, tests, test discussions and customized guidance to students is perfectly planned. In no circumstances, it will change. We are proud of the fact that we did not miss, rather we didn’t even change the schedule of a single class.
Now let us walk through each component of the Foundation Course (IAG)- Instruction, Assessment, and Guidance separately.
Instruction refers to the Classes by the Expert Faculty. As our commitment to qualitative dissemination of knowledge is cardinal, we are not resorting to mere imitation of the offline classes online. We shall make the best use of the online domain by going live with live chat features, questionnaires, educational polls, supplementary handouts, and integrated slides to say the least.
700+ hours of Classes (9 months – including CSAT) + Avant-Garde Classes + Unique Pedagogy
Many aspirants read sources without being completely aware of UPSC syllabus. Just reading a few standard books does not necessarily ensure completion of the syllabus. For instance, though Laxmikant is held as the most standard book, it does not ensure complete coverage of UPSC syllabus – the question papers of past three years stand witness to this. The quintessential reason for most aspirants not clearing the exam in the very first attempt is they do not understand the demand of UPSC. In this programme, it will be covered in a short duration of 9 months.
Let us see what A Model Class runs like.
Every class shall have the following 4 components:
1.Lecture by the Subject Expert (Faculty)
Which shall cover all aspects of a topic ranging from the most basic to the highest of the dimensions for a 2-hour duration in our live sessions. The live sessions are backed by well-curated and designed Powerpoint presentations which make the learning experience more lively.
For example, let us take the topic of Constitution in Indian Polity. The class shall start with the most basic concept defining what is a Constitution and it shall end with the most complex of topics called the Doctrines to interpret the Constitution. So, the class shall cater to both Beginners and the Experienced candidates.
With the changing dynamics of the functioning of society, the job of an administrator has also been undergoing a transformation. Consequently, the nature of questions in mains also has to change. 2020, 2021 and 2022 papers are illustrative of this fact. The number of governance questions both in Polity and Ethics are rising steeply. Hence, exclusive classes will be held on these issues other than the regular Polity and Ethics classes.
2.Current affair linkages
The class shall cover all current events of the topic as well so that you get a holistic understanding. It is not only foolish to study them separately but also an inefficient method as in Mains you need to write an answer including static and current aspects of a topic to fetch the maximum marks.
3.Notes + Handouts
A preparation without note-making is no preparation. So, every class will be the right mix of dictation and handouts. The Subject Expert shall dictate the most inscrutable sections of the topic as writing them will etch them permanently in your memory. The Dictation will be complemented by the Printed Handouts. These Handouts are prepared and curated by the Faculty. It is their years of experience manifesting in printed sheets.
It thus ensures that you are not burdened with bulky books prior to the exam. All you have to do is revise the notes and the handouts as it is a revision which is more important than getting your hands on a new book every now and then!!
4.Class Tests based on Revision Readings
Revision Readings are the Dictations and Handouts of Previous Class along with chapters of Standard Books related to the topic given as home assignments by the Faculty. They shall include both MCQs and Subjective questions.
Revision Readings after the lecture help the student read a Standard book better since you now know the topic completely as you have attended the lecture. Sprint tests, that is the subjective tests, will start with short answers of 5 marks moving to 10 and 15 marks as days progress. It is modelled on the block building method. We all know Rome was not and cannot be built in a day!!
A Variety of Classes!!
Though every class has the uniform pattern as detailed above, there are varieties of classes Manifest conducts to prepare an aspirant completely for any kind of situation she may face through the various stages of this exam. Below are some of the unique kinds of classes we conduct constituting the second important aspect of INSTRUCTION
A.Backgrounder classes
Certain subjects act as a background in other disciplines. Without knowing the Backgrounder Subjects, it will be very difficult for beginners to get a hang of other disciplines. For Experienced students, it will be a knowledge half- baked one! So, for a month, in the beginning, subjects like Post Independent India and World History are dealt in detail which act as backgrounders to Polity and International Relations respectively
B.Avant-Garde classes: Cultivate the UPSC Way
Do you doubt your capability to identify the parts in a newspaper relevant for your exam? Are you confused about how to make notes of a Topic from a Standard Book or NCERTs? Do you fail to differentiate among Essay, GS and Optional answers? Do you wonder why toppers in Graduation do not necessarily make a cut in UPSC exams??
Such situations emerge as traditional coaching models just teach you topics. To address these problems, we invented the most unique kind of classes namely the Avant-Garde Classes!! As the name itself suggests they are novel and path-breaking and Manifest IAS is a pioneer in this regard. In these classes, we cultivate the ‘How’ of everything- how to study, how to make notes, how to read newspapers and the list goes on!!
Through these classes, The UPSC Way is inculcated in you. You are made aware of what you are actually learning. In these classes, you will be trained to understand UPSC thus inculcating lifelong relevant lessons. So even after the course ends formally, you will be independent enough to chart your own course according to the changing demands of UPSC.
Click here for all the Topics Dealt in Avant-Garde Classes
C.CSAT Classes
The entire Paper 2 of Prelims will be taught under this course
● 60+ hours of Classroom Teaching
● 30+ hours for Quantitative Aptitude
● 20+ hours for Logical Reasoning
● 10 hours for English Comprehension
● 4 hours of Data Interpretation
● Classes will accommodate learning, revising and practising the concepts
● Revision test before each class
● 4 Unit tests and 4 Simulated tests
● Class test in every session
● Pedagogy based on visualization of problems as real-life problems and not based on formulae
● Shortcuts and tricks to arrive at solutions in quick time
● Comprehension is done in a manner to help students to improve their overall reading skills to understand the editorials and other news
D.Unique Pedagogy
The third aspect of INSTRUCTION component is our Unique Pedagogy which includes effective and efficient methods of Teaching.
i.Chunk-wise coverage
The first effective method is Chunk-wise coverage of topics within a subject for better understanding.
For instance, Physical Geography aspects of Geography are dealt all at once. This gives a holistic understanding of various dimensions associated with that section.
ii.Integration of subjects based on themes
Interlinked topics across Subjects are taught in a row thus helping students build a common theme through them.
For example, Economic History of Ancient and Medieval India will be taught before starting Indian Economy. Social aspects of Post-Independence India will be covered before teaching Indian Society. Fiscal Federalism of Polity will be dealt first before doing Budgeting Process under Indian Economy.
This method addresses the novel kinds of questions in UPSC in recent times namely the interdisciplinary questions.
For instance, the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 is a topic conventionally pertaining to International Relations but it has been asked in the Geography section, demanding the student to explore Ecological and Geographical aspects of the treaty.
Our unique approach gives you a firm grip on the topic readying you to tackle such questions. Thematically integrated classes of our programme churn and chisel the interdisciplinary instincts in you. You will have a unique worldview of your own, which shall make your answers distinct from the rest, as it is not simply any answer that gets a Rank but a unique answer does!!
Mere studying or just attending lectures would be like shooting in the dark. You have given a shot but you don’t know whether it has hit the target. So, to know your progress on a day to day basis, Assessment is mandatory. Hence IAG Programme encapsulates Prelims (GS and CSAT), Mains, Essay Tests at regular intervals to keep you on your toes.
Our tests include:
Class Tests
MCQs and Sprint Test followed by Solutions and Model Answer Discussion by the Subject Expert
Prelims Practice Tests - 37 tests in total
Mains Practice Tests - 25 tests in total
Over the years we at Manifest have finessed the answer evaluation criteria and have acquired a very good judgment over the answer evaluation criteria which will surely add great value to the aspirants’ overall performance in mains.
GUIDANCE-Personalised Appointment System
The relationship between a Teacher and a Student though begins in class but never ends there. It transcends the one-way communication of instruction as students are to be constantly motivated to keep their spirits high to study consistently because it is not a matter of a week or a month but a year. And here comes the role of Guidance!
It is a unique component of the programme where the Instruction and Assessment get personalized.
The faculty will discuss their roadblocks with the students individually and provide them with specific inputs on the ways to overcome them. The methods and strategies to approach the exam and effectively prepare a workable timetable according to the need of a student are outlined.
Individualized oversight helps the faculty better cognize the progress and lapses of a student and provide them with necessary strategic inputs which can save an enormous amount of time and help them prepare for this exam the UPSC way.
Our Personalized Guidance reinforces the fact that you are unique and solutions must be unique to you!
T & C
Further, Manifest provides a unique opportunity of a blended program, wherein the students will enjoy the flexibility to attend courses offline (at our premises) depending upon the prevailing situation. That is, one can shift to online/offline mode as per one’s convenience.
The classes/discussion videos can be viewed live or in recorded format anytime as per the demand of the aspirant.
Further, students wishing to come and attend lectures will get an added advantage of meeting the Faculty in person and also experience a vibrant learning environment at Manifest.
Online: Rs.75,000/-
Online & Offline: Rs.85,000/-
Finally, Manifest IAS has found its own unique method to translate and enhance UPSC education to the online domain. With this, the aspirants by staying within the confines of home can get the best of UPSC preparation. And we also have a bridge course for the aspirants to have an immersive experience of our full-fledged course. Register Yourself to be part of this new and exciting journey…...